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Ollie against Cancer

Like most people out there i have had my run in with cancer, the only difference with my run in and most people on this site is the person close to me who got cancer was very old, they had lived for such a long time, had so many good memories so many good experiences. The kids whom you will donate your money to help have not, their lives have just started.

I want to ask every person reading this to think about the happiest memory they have and think about how old you were when u had that, these kids who have lost their lives to cancer never got a chance to have that, they never had a chance to discover what kind of person they would become or what they might bring to this world, these kids were robbed of the most important thing in the world and that is time.

I hope i convinced you to donate to Barncancerfonden because in my eyes its the one charity in the world that needs to win, we cannot keep loosing, we cannot give up until cancer is a thing of the past.
Thank You

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