Mål: 4,000 kr
KattmatGaming - Streaming for Charity
I will stream for charity for approx. 1 year of time after my studies, and after my work. I will do it another year if it's a success.
I'm Niclas Pettersson, a newly started streamer from Örebro, Sweden. I think that it is an right to have the right to get the right treatment against cancer, and I hate cancer. My hobby is to play games, and my vision and my goal is to reach atleast 4000kr for Barncancerfonden (Childcancercharity) thru the people of the gaming communitys all over Europe, and hopefully also from around the world.
I've never really thought about people's wellness before. I used to have no sympathy or even care for people outside of my family. Recently someone I knew died due to cancer, and that's why I want to play to fight cancer.
Playing games might be destructive, and dangerous, but if we all do something good, will it still be so bad? It will always be bad for human health, but we must someday take a step into the "computeristic" future.
By donating to this charity you donate for the future. The children that one day might be the ones to take care for you when you get old and bad, but only if they can survive the struggle. With no money or care, this can't happen.
The Children of Tomorrow is the caretakers of the Future.
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