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Mål: 1 000 000 kr

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Målsättning: 1 000 000 kr

SpelBeskyddarna 2013™

Hello everybody, you maybe wonder who we are? We're the "SpelBeskyddarna™" We're gaming for good. Now basically what we're doing is something that most people don't. We're helping the kids out there, by playing games. Our goal to reach is 1M Swedish crowns, and if we reach it before the year is over it would be fantastic! We're not only playing the games, we're also doing edits and series with them. My name is ReDobby (aka Robin Takac) and I'm sort of... The leader in this project. Why did you want to start this up ReDobby? Well... It all began for me when I saw one of my favorite youtubers charity streaming for local kids in England. I got interested in what he did and I thought, "maybe we could do that too..." Just look at us, we're doing what we think is fun and at the same time we're actually helping kids with cancer? I do not see why we should not do this to help the children out there! Have a nice day!

I really want to thank this people to making this project possible.
SWEGTA [Simon Tammerstrand]
Skorde3 (Ingen officiell kanal) [Shayan Andersson]
TheMrCallexD [Calle Ludvigsson]
WizzlarNEdits [Jacob Wisselgren]
Özz Nujen (Komiker)

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