Insamlat hittills: 2 955 kr


Mål: 3 000 kr

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Målsättning: 3 000 kr
4 personer stödjer denna insamling

In lieu of Christmas gifts this year I am asking for donations to made to Barncancerfonden.

It's December, which means the holiday season is upon us!

This year, in lieu of Christmas gifts, I'm asking for donations to made to Barncancerfonden (Children's Cancer Foundation).

This is in support of one of my best friends, Sara, and her 12 year old daughter Lina.

In August, Lina was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Cancer is something no child or family should have to go through. Lina has had a number of complications during her treatment so far, and the resilience Lina and her family have shown throughout this process is truly inspiring.

My Christmas wish is for Lina, Sara, Gustav, and Leo to get the support they need from foundations such as Barncancerfonden & the Ronald McDonald House in Uppsala.

No donation is too small, and every contribution makes a difference.

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