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Mål: 4 000 kr

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Målsättning: 4 000 kr

League of Legends Charity

Sup! I started this charity to raise some money for BarnCancerFonden (ChildCancerFund). I will be playing some League of Legends for your enjoyment.

Sup! I started this charity to raise some money for BarnCancerFonden (ChildCancerFund). I will be playing some League of Legends for your enjoyment.

I am a Swedish streamer, my name is Ermin Hadzajlic and the reason I made this charity was because I got inspired by some friends and people, it is for a good cause and knowing that every little cent that you donate can help saving a childs life somewhere.

One can't do everything, but together can we do anything (cliché ^^)

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