Enya's cancerversary
June 20, 2020 After several months of doctor visits, phone calls and trips to the ER, the correct blood test was finally done. I knew something was seriously wrong with my child but I never in a million years thought she would be diagnosed with 2 sorts of cancer. Our world came crashing down around us. But Enya fought, and every complication that came her way, she fought and overcame them. June 20, 2021 After an incredibly tough year with many complications and an early relapse, Enya insisted that we celebrate her 'cancerversary' with a cake and the words 'good job not dying' written on it. It would be the last time she ever left the hospital. 5 1/2 weeks later, she passed away. Enya loved life! She wanted to beat cancer, become a pediatric nurse and work with children suffering from cancer. She dreamed of traveling, having lots of children and ticking off everything she had written on her bucket list. Cancer ripped everything away from her. No child or adolescent should have to go through cancer treatments. No child or adolescent should have their lives cut short from such a horrible disease. So much more research is needed.
In honor of Enya, on her 'cancerversary', I humbly ask you to donate a sum of your choice to help find a cure for cancer.
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