Insamlat hittills: 0 kr


Mål: 4,000 kr

Insamlingen har stängt
Målsättning: 4,000 kr

Help a child who has cancer

(The page is in Swedish, but if you need help with understanding how the donation functions, don't hesitate to ask me)

More information on how to donate can be found further down the page.

If you are not living in Sweden, you can still donate.

Hi everyone,

I'm on a mission to raise money for the Swedish child cancer fund. I've set a minimum goal to 1000 kronor a month. All the raised money is automatically sent to the organisation on the 12th of December.

You choose however much you would like to donate. As a thank you I will send you one of my homemade bracelets with the word "fighter", that you can wear to show your support towards fighting against child cancer.

If you would like to help me to raise money for this cause, I will be forever grateful.

No child deserves to suffer. Let us together help sick children be happy again.

Lots of love.


PS. Photos of bracelets will be up soon!

How to donate if you are not speak Swedish.

On this page, click on "Ge gåva via webb".

Write you name (or click the "anonym" box if you wish to be anonymous".
Enter the sum you would like to donate, by either crossing a box or entering any sum you wish)

When this is done, go to "Gåvokorg" in the right corner of the page.

Enter your details. Here is a translation of the Swedish words:

Förnamn = First name
Efternamn = Last name
Post adress = Street address
Post nummer = Postal code
Ort = Town/City
Land = Country
E-post = E-mail

And last but not least you choose your payment method.

Hope this helps! xxx

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