Insamlat hittills: 0 kr


Mål: 10 000 kr

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Målsättning: 10 000 kr

Climb up Kebnekaise to raise awareness of cancer in children.

My name is Alex Sandercock, i am a british student studying construction engineering here in Sweden. I have had so many good things happen in my life, and i feel its time to give something back to people who Really need it.

I am going to climb Kebnekaise to raise awareness of cancer in children, i have never climbed a mountain before, so i feel this is a good way to start. I feel so lucky to be healthy enough to be able to climb a mountain, that i want to help kids with their own mountain to climb! The climb will take place in July 2011.

Any contribution, large or small, will be a great help. I want to raise 10000 kr for the most vulnerable people on the planet.

- Its the small things that count -

/ Alex Sandercock

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