AZ Charity Run
Join you colleagues, stay healthy and raise money for Barncancerfonden by competing in the Gothenburg vs Macclesfield Charity Run!
It's time for the annual Charity Run hosted by the PT&D Graduate Program! This year, the event is virtual lasting between the 1st and 13th of June!
During these days we encourage our colleagues from both the Gothenburg and Macclesfield to join together for a run and raise money for local charities. Our plan is to have a friendly contest between the two sites, with sites competing for the largest number of participants!
At the Gothenburg site, we are we’re raising money to Barncancerfonden (The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund) to help support children and teenagers living with cancer! Barncancerfonden also support research projects aimed at preventing cancer!
So join us in supporting this very worthy causes - because Children and Cancer do not belong together!
For more information about the event and how to join search for "AZ Charity Run 2022" on Workplace! Don't forget to encourage your collegues to join and feel free to share a photo of your run on Workplace!
Clarification on donating money (DO NOT USE THE QR-CODE BELOW)
Swish to number: 123-456 60 89
Press "Jag vill bidra" at the top of this page
1. Choosing amount to donate (write in textbox or choose from suggested amounts)
2. Leave a volontary greeting and your name (for anonymous donation leave both fields empty)
3. Choose " Privatperson"
For people WITH a Swedish Personal Number:
4. Type in your email adress and your personal number and press "fortsätt"
5. Choose payment method (Swish or card)
For people WITHOUT a Swedish Personal Number:
4. Type in your email adress and press "fortsätt"
5. Write in you Contact Information
6. Choose payment method (Swish or Card)
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Scanna QR-koden till höger i din Swish-app och bidra med valfri gåva.