Insamlat hittills: 3 300 kr


Mål: 10 000 kr

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Målsättning: 10 000 kr

After turning 52, I decided I wanted to do a great adventure. I knew that it had to involve a great passion of mine which is bicycling and I wanted it to involve even a greater cause, which is the childrens cancer fund. I decided what better way to see this beautiful country then to bike from the bottom to top and along the way hopefully raise some money for this wonderful charity. So please help me along the way and together we can help make a difference.

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  • Cecilia

    Heja David!! Cykla på!!!

    Ulf F

    Heja David!!

    Craig Cruickshank

    Dave you are awesome brother

    Anna Svensson

  • Anonym


    Härligt David, bra jobbat!



    Bra jobbar

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