Insamlat hittills: 2 160 kr


Mål: 10 000 kr

Insamlingen har stängt
Målsättning: 10 000 kr

Opportunity for Alstom's employees to make voluntary donations on individual basis.

AWithin the framework of Alstom's CSR work, Alstom and Barncancerfonden (Childhood Cancer Foundation) have a long-term cooperation with the objective to perform joint activities with the target that Alstom in connection with these activities will donate funds to Barncancerfonden’s important mission. This fundraiser is started to give Alstom's employees the opportunity to make their own donations on a voluntary basis.

Möjlighet för Alstoms anställda att göra frivilliga och individuella donationer.

Senaste bidragen till insamlingen

  • Anders Bohlström

    Stort lycka till!

    Mikael Granberg


    Hjälp varandra att hjälpas ?

    Maria Signal Martebo

  • Anonym

    Test - MG


    Ari Patrikainen

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