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Marathon for Super Joshua

I januari 2012, fick vår 7 månader gamla lilla superhjälte, Joshua, diagnosen bilateral retinoblastom. Det är en en ögoncancer som drabbar båda ögonen. Efter nästan 3 år av behandlingar, stod det dessvärre klart att han skulle förlora sitt högra öga. Operationen gjordes den 6 oktober 2014 och sedan dess har Joshua sluppit fler behandlingar, även om han fortfarande måste gå på täta kontroller.
Under 2014 samlade Joshuas pappa, som själv är gravt synskadad, in pengar till barncancerfonden genom att springa 3 maraton på 5 månader: Stockholm, Helsingborg, och Växjö. Nu är det dags igen och han kommer att springa Helsingborg maraton den 12 september 2015. Det är vår förhoppning att du som läser vill hjälpa till - Inget bidrag är för litet! Dela gärna vidare. Tack för ditt stöd!

Fighting childhood cancer is not a sprint, it is a marathon with an elusive finish line. This holds true both for the child battling every day for the right to live, laugh and play like other children, and for the parents and siblings who are fighting right by their side. We never know how long we will have to stay in the hospital, how many rounds of chemo will be needed, or if it'll even work, if we will be able to start the next round on time, WHAT THE TEST RESULTS WILL SHOW, the list goes on and on. And even when we think we know, something may come along and TURN EVERYTHING UP SIDE DOWN IN A MATTER OF A MILISECOND.

Perhaps that's part of the reason why Joshua's dad has decided to run in a real marathon to raise awareness for our children. At least we know where the real MARATHON WILL END.

Joshua's dad, who is legally blind, is currently training for the Helsingborg Marathon 2015, his fourth Marathon since May 2014. In 2014 he ran Three Marathons in five months, to raise awareness, and funds for childhood cancer. He ran His first Marathon in Stockholm the 31st of May 2014, his second in Helsingborg on September 13th, his third in Växjö on the 18th of October, and if all goes according to plan, he will cross the finish line of his fourth Marathon on September 12th 2015.

Our Little superhero, who now is 3 years old, is running quite a different Marathon, one with treatments, blood tests, and hospital stays. He has needed treatment almost constantly since he was 7 months old, and the World that was once so overwhelmingly scary, has now become our every day routine.


This is our story:
Seven years ago, an American, and a Sweed met at a virtual poker table at an online gaming site. It should have ended before it started, but when two hearts are speaking the same language, and two minds are determined to win, nothing is impossible. Three years later, we were living together in Sweden, and on may 25th 2011, a little miracle baby was born. We could not have been happier, but Seven months later, on January 13th 2012, disaster struck when our Little Joshua was diagnosed with retinoblastoma (Eye cancer).

We had barely gotten to know him Before we had to hand him over to doctors to endure surgery, a spinal tap, a bone marrow sample, MRIS, Chemo, Laser treatment, cryotherapy, and of course countless examinations under anesthesia, pokes & hospital stays.

Joshua's tumors disappeared briefly, but returned in August the same year. They were treated with Laser and cryotherapy, and in October they were again reduced to scars, until January 2013 when they once again were Active in his right eye.

On September 4th 2013 both his Eyes were clear for the first time since December 2012, and in the light of that the doctor had already told us twice at that Point that they might have to enucleate (surgically remove) his right Eye, this was an even greater achievement than it may seem to be at first glance.

His list of treatments had now also come to include intra-arterial chemotherapy, and intravitreal chemotherapy. Both were new treatments here in Sweden, and
without them he would with all certainty have lost his Eye along time ago.

Although Joshua Was cancer free on September 4th,, and on September 18th, he sadly had a new tumor at his next check-up on October 22, and so we were right back on the same old roller coaster again.

In April 2014 we were once again back at the pediatric oncology ward at Astrid Lindgrens Barnsjukhus, a Place we had already left behind for good twice before.

Joshua had two more rounds of intra-arterial chemotherapy, but experience temporary vision loss after the second treatment. He had one clear check-up after that, but the same old tumor that's been causing problems this whole time, was once again Active Three weeks later, and on the 23rd of September 2014, we made the decision to enucleate (surgically remove) his eye. Since then, Joshua has been tumor-free. We're grateful to have a healthy, happy, silly Little boy here with us.

In a World where one out of five Children diagnosed with cancer never get the chance to grow up, in spite having access to the best of care, Retinoblastoma is a lucky draw, as it has a very high survival rate. Our Little superhero's marathon is not over however. Even though his remaining Eye has been stable since March 2012, new tumors can develop anywhere along the road up until he is about 8 years old. Unfortunately, he will also be at a higher risk of developing other cancers all his life. This was not the way we had envisioned Joshua's first years of Life. Cancer has stolen the innocence from our family & no matter how well he's doing, we can never get that back.

Please make a donation to childhood cancer research today, so that one day no child has to go through this, & so that no parent has to watch their child suffer.
Spread awareness, donate blood, platelets, bone build a World where all Children with cancer can be cured, because everyone cares.

Thank you for taking the time to read, and thank you in advance for your support.

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