Insamlat hittills: 12 350 kr


Mål: 50 000 kr

Insamlingen har stängt
Målsättning: 50 000 kr

Stockholm Marathon children's cancer fundraise

We are running Stockholm's Marathon Oct 9th in memory of my sister Andrea to raise money for children and young adults in Sweden to help them fighting and winning the fight against cancer:

Any contribution would be appreciated to support our cause and help children and young adults in Sweden that are fighting cancer. Donate as much as you want and can!


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  • Tom Collyer

    Well done!


    Best of luck guys!! Remember at the end of run... pain is temporary:)

    Charlie T

    Amazing initiative


    Great initiative, good luck guys!

  • Paulina

    Well done guys


    Great initiative guys - HEJA er!


    Kör hårt!


    You’re awesome, we’ll cheer for you on Saturday

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