Mål: 10 000 kr
Internationella Engelska Skolan
Run to Raise for Barncancer Fonden!
On April 28th, IES Huddinge is holding a charity run down at Visättra IP. On this day students will enjoy the outdoors, keep fit and help raise money for a great cause! Barncancer Fonden works with families and contributes to research on children with cancer.
The idea is students will run around the track however many times they'd like. Each time a lap is completed, the student can decided a specific kronor amount to be donated to Barncancer Fonden.
Students and parents are also encouraged to contribute as much or as little as possible. Any kind of donation will be greatly appreciated. If we all give just a little than we can make a huge difference.
We will also be accepting cash donations in the Student Room for those who decide to donate in person. Thank you all and lets aim to crush last years numbers!
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