Insamlat hittills: 13 290 kr


Mål: 10 000 kr

Insamlingen har stängt
Målsättning: 10 000 kr

Casper Norden, Winterthur Half Marathon

Why I started this Fundraiser:

Between the years 2001-2004, I was treated for Leukemia at Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital in Stockholm, I am today fully recuperated. When looking back at my time at the hospital, I am very grateful for everything that the hospital, the personnel and everybody around me, did for me.
I now feel, that I would like to give something back to the people that helped me through this difficult period.
I am therefore trying to raise 10.000 SEK by running a half-marathon on the 16th of May, in Winterthur, Switzerland.

I would be very grateful, if you could help me reach my goal, and help the cancer research of “Barncancerfonden” by making a donation as per instructions below.

I would like to give special thanks to Per Westerberg and Minna Gunner, who will help this cause by also running the 21 km, and raise funds with me!


Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital’s Pediatric Cancer Ward:

Winterthur Marathon:

How to Contribute, English instructions:

Bidra till insamlingen! ---- Contribute to the Fundraiser
Ge med kontokort… ---- Give with credit card…
Vill du ha ditt namn i givarlistan? ---- Do you want your name in the donors list?
Nej… ---- No…
Ja, namn… ---- Yes, name… (Type your name)
Till betallösningen privat ---- To pay privately
Till betallösningen företag ---- To pay corporate

1) Click on ”Till betallösningen privat”

Belopp ---- Amount
Valfritt belopp ---- Other amount
Förnamn ---- First name
Efternamn ---- Last name
E-post ---- E-mail
Gatuadress ---- Street address
Postnummer ---- Post code
Land ---- Country

2)Then click on ”Gå vidare” (Go further)

Välj betalsätt ---- Choose payment method
Kort – Vi tar VISA/MasterCard---- Card – We accept VISA/MasterCard
Internetbank ---- Internet bank
Inbetalningskort ---- Payment slip

3) Choose ”Kort” – Vi tar VISA/MasterCard, click on ”Gå vidare” (Go further)

4) Click on ”Godkänn” (Accept)

Korttyp ---- Type of card
Kortnummer ---- Card number
Kortinnehavarens namn ---- Name of card owner
Giltighetsdatum ---- Expire date
CVC ---- CVC

5) And then click on ”Betala” (Pay)

You’re done, thank you very much!!

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    Garré-Claus voor Marathon Casper





    Garré-Claus voor Marathon Casper

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    Anders Abrahamsson


    Familjen Mårtenson


    Astrid Norden

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