Mål: 30 000 kr
Calabrio Corporate Giving Week 2019
This year, as voted for by employees, Calabrio is supporting children’s cancer charities around the world and for the Nordics we will donate to Barncancerfonden.
Dates: 18-22 November 2019
During the week we will host a couple of activities for people to get involved in and raise money together:
1) Exercise Challenge – Monday 18th – Thursday 21st – In these 4 days we exercise as much as we can/wish. For every 30 minutes of exercise you do you get 1 point (note the points down in this Excel sheet). It can be any type of exercise - gym, swimming, walking or yoga etc. - and the Swedish goal is to hit 150 points all together. If we reach the goal Calabrio will give SEK 20,000 extra to Barncancerfonden. If you want to participate donate SEK 200 as a “start fee” on this page.
2) Fika Time – Friday 22nd - To wrap up the week we will have a full office “fika” in Stockholm at 15.00 and announce our exercise total. Calabrio will reimburse whoever bakes for ingredients costs and then everyone that participates in the fika swishes how much they wish for eating all they want, and all donations will go to Barncancerfonden on this page. Interested in baking for the fika? Please contact Anette or Sara.
3) Even if you can’t take part, feel free to donate on this page – however much or as little as you wish.
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