Frontiers in cancer research and therapy
Konferensen täcker hela spektrumet från tumörbiologisk grundforskning till skräddarsydd cancerbehandling och är fokuserad på fem områden: cancermikrobiom, nya terapier inklusive immunterapi, resistensmekanismer, imaging, och tumörmikromiljö. Alla dessa områden intar en central plats inom dagens barncancerforskning.
I det preliminära programmet har nedanstående inbjudna talare direkt relevans för barnonkologisk vård. Jason Lewis has his lab at the Memorial Sloan Kettering and recently published findings on incidence of radionecrosis in children treated with conventional radiation therapy and intrathecal radioimmunotherapy and Imaging of the norepinephrine transporter in neuroblastoma. Ana Anderson at Harvard Medical School recently published her findings on expression of novel immunological checkpoint receptors in acute myelogenous leukemia. Timothy Chan at the Memorial Sloan Kettering focus to understand the genomic basis of tumor development and treatment response and recently published findings on the genomic landscape of low-grade pediatric gliomas. Roel Verhaak at the Jackson Laboratory heads a computational cancer biology lab with a research focus on the analysis of cancer genomics data to improve the understanding of cancer biology. In 2013, he won an award from the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation in 2013. He recently published his findings on experimental models of glioma.
Andreas Lundqvist
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