About Stream of Hope
Almost every day, a child in Sweden is diagnosed with cancer. The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund work actively to fight the most common cause of death in the ages 1-14 in Sweden. Stream of Hope is a global charity event with the purpose of raising awareness and funds to fight childhood cancer. With your support, we can continue to help families and contribute to paediatric cancer research with the aim of eradicating childhood cancer.This is Stream of Hope
Stream of Hope is a charity stream that was taking place on the International Children's Cancer Day the 15th of February, 2020. Together with over 40 swedish streamers we raised 241 678 kr in the fight against Childhood Cancer.
How Stream of Hope works
Gamers will use their own twitch channels on a chosen time during the days. Money is raised through donations on the streamers twitch channel. All money raised during the event, are used for research and training, advice and support, and information, the three missions of the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund. The donation is taking place on a variefied platform that secures that 100% of your payment are donated to The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund.